I have been using Bloglines for years. Since it is browser based, I could access all my RSS feeds no matter where I was. Yesterday there was a notice that Bloglines was being discontinued by the end of the month.
So I scrambled to find a combination that worked for me. Here's what I did. First off, I exported all my feeds from Bloglines (just 1 click). Then I activated Google Reader. Couldn't figure out how to import my subscriptions and wasn't crazy about the user interface. So I installed NetNewsWire on my Mac. And synched it to Google Reader.
Then I imported my subscriptions to NetNewsWire. Very nice. Next up, getting something on the iPad. NetNewsWire wanted $10. I don't use it that often. So instead I got the Feeddler reader for the iPad. ($0) It automatically syncs to Google Reader.
Viola! Now I have two great readers on the machines I use most and Google Reader when I'm on yet another machine.