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28 June 2010



Sorry, but no. Nothing is better than a puppy.

Hans Koenig

Thanks for the interesting article.

A useful tool for sales presentations on the iPad could be Picture Link, a newly released iPad application. With Picture Link you can hold interactive and clickable PowerPoint presentations on your iPad.

2-minute demo video http://www.zuhanden.de/apps/picturelink-app/
App Store http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/picture-link/id385702117?mt=8

Please let me know your feedback.



This is an interesting application. If I create a picture with several transparent button links, can I duplicate that picture with the links, and then change the underlying picture?

I'm thinking you could build navigation into your pictures and use this as a really slick storyboard to demonstrate a new application, or a non-linear presentation.

Hans Koenig

Hi Bruce,
we have not implemented this yet. But it is an extremely compelling idea. Let me note that down for the next releases, as we are currently working on VGA output and the distribution of Picture Links to other users. Thanks for the feedback. Hans


I think our product, StoryDesk, answers this brief.



Dmitri Tcherevik

Great article!

I would also recommend MightyMeeting. It is a service that lets you store presentations in the cloud and access them from the iPad. You can connect the iPad to a projector and present to a room full of people. You can also do a remote meeting directly form the iPad. It's a great tool for a sales pro.

Check it out here: http://www.mightymeeting.com



Glad you started this company. Keep it simple and you'll give webex a run for their money.


Carlton Berlacher

Power Point presentation going bad in front of the people you want to impress can turn out to be the most embarrassing moment and I just experienced that. Getting an iPad just didn't come into my mind, if it can make things easier during presentations that's exactly what I want. Thanks a ton for the help and information.

Dane D. Miller


As one of many design/marketing entities sizing up the iPad as a true sales tool, I was pleased to read your blog post

Several of the apps your readers noted here we've been looking at with interest, while we blaze our own trails on aiding clients with getting the tools they already like to use onto this most intimate sales cultivation platform.

We never cease to raise eyebrows when we pull out our own iPads for a quick customer demo - the questions quickly go from what we do, to how'd we get our demo tools onto the pad itself!

I think we are just starting to see signs of where this new sales tool will take us - look forward to your continued exploration here on your blog. Thanks very much!

Dane D. Miller

Mike Williams

Great article!

With the world getting used to more interactive presentations it is important to be able to wow your customers. The iPad has brought so much versatility that can create a great experience for your clients. There is an app called iQpakk by MentorMate that is worth checking out at http://iqpakk.com.

This iPad sales tool allows a user to display videos, slides, images, and other interactive materials which builds a truly compelling presentation.

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