Many firms profess that their most valuable assets are their employees. If this is true, then one would logically expect that this belief would extend to those applying for jobs, as well. When you think about it, these companies are selling themselves to these potential new hires, as much as the candidates are doing similarly to the company.
Two former colleagues briefed me on their job hunting journey, which recently involved them in separate interview processes. Despite passing through the gauntlet of interviews, making it all the way to the final two, both unfortunately lost out to the other candidate left standing. None of this is unusual, but it was disheartening to learn that both hiring companies informed them of their decision by form e-mails—an impersonal e-mail that didn’t even address them by name, and one of the form e-mails actually used the subject line: DECLINED, as if she had applied for a bank loan.
Companies are currently in a luxurious position, as there is an abundant supply of talented people to fill job openings. The way firms handle this will speak volumes about their commitment to people and will create an impression on all candidates passing through their doors. There are few reasons why organizations should seriously consider how they deal with job applicants, solicited or unsolicited:
· These people are also consumers, personal and business. Acting as buyers, their long memories about shabby job application treatment may influence their purchasing preferences;
· The economy will eventually rebound (signs are showing this is underway), unemployment will subside, and the supply of qualified talent will diminish;
· Baby boomers have begun to hit retirement, and this will also reduce the pool of available human resources. This will have a much longer and profound effect on firms.
How do companies really feel about their most valued assets? Their actions will speak louder than words.
Ryck Marciniak
Guest Blogger