It is really important that you have consistency across your organization dealing with customers. Zappos comes to mind. You would think Nordstrom would be good at this, but I guess that doesn't apply to Utah. I have had issues with them before. Just last month I wrote a customer comment card with my contact information. Did anyone follow up? No.
Shoe shopping wasn't much better. They didn't have the right size. The sales person gave us a list of stores who carried them but explained "We don't do transfers, you'll have to go online." I thought this was fishy so I went to customer service who said "We don't do transfers, you'll have to go online." Hmmmm, this must have come from the store manager.
So I went online. Guess what? The online store didn't have the correct size. So I did an online chat and explained my situation. The person was horrified that our Utah store didn't contact the stores who had the shoes. So she contacted them and 10 minutes later a store in Maryland called and shipped us the shoes.
Nordstrom built a new store here. I think they need a new store manager to go with it.