I worked at two companies where senior management believes that sales is nothing but a numbers game. I'm sure you've heard this logic before "If I call x people, I'll get y meetings and close z% of them". That's push sales. Closely related to cold calls (which I despise). Oh and if you cold call me, quit pretending you're my next best friend. Just tell me what you're peddling. (I hang up on a lot of people, I must be in the negative x group).
Instead focus your attention on credibility and relationships. Who endorses you? That's powerful stuff, be it trade groups or customers. Be seen where you customers hang out. Then be known as the helpful person. That will increase your sales.
Case in point. I once worked that logic at a company and closed $1M in sales. But it wasn't growing the company fast enough (I agree). So instead of figuring out how to do more of that kind of business by stepping up credibility and relations, the company decided to bring on a 4 person push sales team and eliminate marketing efforts. In six months they've done less than $50K in total sales. Whoops.
This is why marketing is so important. You need both sales mentality and marketing mentality. Ignore one side or the other at your own peril.