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16 January 2008


Mary Schmidt

Ah - and then you take it in the clueless empty suit CEO and he (or she) throws it all out and says" here's what I want." One reason I no longer work in big, bad Corporate America (and am increasingly picky about who I work with as a consultant.)

And - certainly - don't manage to worst case. But do keep something in the magic cookie jar - just in case. Particularly if you're in early start-up mode and gambling with your own money. Nobody does their best work if they worried about losing the family home.

Felipe Bazon

I had never thought of having three values for each one of my assumptions, I will keep that in mind for my next models.



I hope you do try this. It's also a great way to manage a client's expectations on a new program you may be suggesting.



For sure I will be using it, by the way great blog first time I read and I will be around more often.

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