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21 July 2007



As a designer of public safety communications including those used by the federal govt. I cannot believe this.

Let me understand this first. After 9-11 it was determined that public safety had poor radio communications and as a result the FCC and congress demanded interoperability and protection of public safety radio bands.

As a result the FCC and Congress moved public safety users off of parts of the 800 MHz band and into the 700 MHz band because NEXTELS poorly designed equipment was rendering police radios useless.

The FCC and Comgress came up with the new 700 MHz public safety spectrum protection plan along with radio interoperability which was supposed to protect public safety from interference and now they are auctioning off the same frequency band plan to google or the highest bidder.

I can't wait for all the interference of public safety communications to start up once more when the WI-FI warriors start hitting the new band plan with poorly designed Chinease equipment.

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