Or known as heterosis for you purists out there. Back during one of my animal sciences classes we delved into the practice of cross-breeding two pure breeds of animals.
The offspring were superior to either parent. In fact all corn producion is hybrid for the very same reason.
One of the things we did in our company is take advantage of this concept. On one side you have a web services infrastructure. Very scalable, accessable from anywhere, extremely cost effective. But prone to service interruptions and monolithic in that you only get what is offered (but I wanted it in blue). On the other side you have a wealth of open source code and tools to build anything you want locally. Exactly what you want (blue with yellow stripes). But hard to scale from a production and access standpoint.
But combining the two, we can offer our customers exactly what they need, but offer from the get go a highly scalable, accessable system without the downside of either.
You can do this too. Take a look at all the main components of your product. Is there something else out there which you can replace (and I'm not talking about out-sourcing to cheap labor)? This excercise will let you focus on what you are good at doing, and bringing in something else in which they are good at doing. And you will get a superior result.