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04 September 2006


James Shewmaker

I recommend using either Feedblitz's email service or Feedburner's new service for sending RSS feeds to people who do not use feed readers but who still would like to subscribe to your emails.

As for the HTML emails, server filters and client side filters help but they do not eliminate.

One thing that would help is if email verification (aka double opt-in) was a requisite part of anti-spam legislation. I can not begin to count the number of emails which I have received from legitimate organizations and companies who send email to a fictious mailbox on one of my domains because of bogus registrants. Some bogus registrants even use one of my legitimate email addresses in filling out web forms, so even my legitimate email boxes get inundated with misdirected responses. Newspapers which require a reader to fill out a web registration before reading an article rarely verify that the email address actually belongs to the reader who is filling out the web form.

Mary Schmidt

Well, it does depend on the target/audience. Something like 80% of the world still don't know about RSS feeds (and I run across a lot of folks that really don't want to know.)

Full disclosure: I had to end RSS feeds as I became an absolute addict.


Good points James and Mary. I need to do a little more research. However since our customers are technology consultants, I suspect we may have an easier time educating them.


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