Every now and then we get to define new products, or combination of products to create a new one. Which makes me think of black holes. In any industry there are events and players which impact everyone else.
Just like the huge gravitational pull of a black hole, cross the event horizon and you get sucked in.
A few of you may have been lucky enough to create a black hole, but the rest of us just look at those black holes wondering "Why didn't I think of that?"
But observing these events can lead to many lucrative opportunities. Call it surfing the black holes. The trick here is to use the power created by the market impacts and skim the edges. Even better is the convergence of several of these black holes. Harnessing the energy of several events will give a huge boost to your new product. But while you are doing this, beware the event horizon. They tend to expand. You need to be far enough way or nimble enough to avoid getting caught.