Ahh, outbound marketing. How we love to "light it up". Produce a slick web site, get a slew of press releases, go visit everyone, design large booths for all the "in" trade shows and measure our sucess by the number of column inches and mentions (especially in those bellweather blogs).
We just want to be noticed. Loved. And talked about. And if you're good, you will be noticed. Especially by your potential competitors. If you're on a roll, have momentum, this is a good thing. But think about early stage products. Is this a drum you wish to beat at this stage? Are you really attracting those customers you need now, or just hoping you will?
Instead think about stealth marketing. Here you need an entirely different set of tactics. This is up close and personal. Identify potential early customers by name. Call them. Show them a demo of your product and service. Attend tradeshows and meetings as an attendee. Talk to people. Again one on one. Get their feedback. Improve your product, messaging and gain customers. After a while you will build the momentum you need and then you can "light it up".
All I want to say is thank you for the post, I am impressed!
Posted by: Cabrinha kiteboards | 27 November 2009 at 11:17 AM